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ChromaWay Joins AWS Partner Network to Expand Chromia’s Reach

8월 전





ChromaWay Joins AWS Partner Network to Expand Chromia’s Reach

ChromaWay, a blockchain technology firm, has announced that it has become a part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network. Through the cooperation, ChromaWay is able to include services hosted on Chromia’s public platform among the solutions available on the AWS Marketplace.

AWS is a well-known pioneer in cloud computing with a strong presence in the blockchain industry, supporting more than 70 popular protocols and public networks.

ChromaWay is going to investigate various methods of leveraging AWS infrastructure as part of this strategic initiative. One goal will be to use “one-click” cloud-based environments to streamline the developer setup procedure. The goal of this integration is to simplify the blockchain application development process in Rell, Chromia’s dedicated programming language.

AWS apps deployed on the Chromia platform, cloud-based nodes, and consortium chains customized to certain organizational requirements are some more topics under exploration. In general, the goal of these integrations is to improve interoperability and raise exposure of relational blockchain technology.

Furthermore, the collaboration will enable the development of strategic connections with other APN members operating in related industries, such as gaming. Game developers and studios depend on server solutions, analytics, security, AI and ML integration, cloud computing and storage, and analytics. ChromaWay may investigate opportunities for collaboration between their products, relational blockchain, and AWS services by getting in touch with other APN partners.

8월 전




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