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Principales Decentralized Finance (DeFi) monedas

Explore the dynamic world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) cryptocurrencies. Get up-to-date market data including prices, market caps, and volumes, and make informed investment decisions.

#NombreCambio (24h)PrecioPrecio en BTCCapitalización de mercadoVolumen 24h
11510 6.46%$1,720.00001922$0$188
11591 20.2%$0,0099020.00000011$0$168
11608 0.76%$0,092540.00000103$0$163
11703 4.18%$0,016040.00000018$0$144
11734 0.45%$0,00023780$0$138
11937 0.01%$0,13650.00000152$0$104
12195 0.93%$0,028030.00000031$0$71
12225 0%$0,0023510.00000003$0$68
12253 0.07%$164,420.00183684$0$65
12266 2.39%$0,0029190.00000003$0$64
12450 3.01%$155,30.00173495$0$48
12478 0.55%$0,00021950$0$46
12498 3.55%$0,060560.00000068$0$45
12615 0%$0,00010010$0$38
12923 2.78%$0,000010430$0$24
12996 3.24%$2,80.00003128$0$21
13142 0.54%$1,0010.00001118$0$16
13174 0%$0,038070.00000043$0$15
13291 1.09%$0,0010780.00000001$0$12
13361 0.82%$0,000006570$0$11
13555 1.15%$0,059840.00000067$0$6
13703 0.78%$2,140.00002391$0$4
13751 1.68%$388,440.00433950$0$4
13791 0.73%$79,620.00088948$0$3
13817 1.55%$0,00019110$0$3
14005 1.09%$0,000065930$0$1
14277 0%$00$0$0
14297 0.6%$0,99980.00001117$0$0
14346 0%$00--
14347 0%$00--
14352 0%$00--
14359 0%$00--
14385 0%$00-$0
14389 0%$00--
14475 0%$00--
14557 0%$00--
14558 0%$00--
14585 0%$00--
14592 0%$00--
14602 0%$4,530.00005061$0$0
14622 0%$00$0$0
14681 0%$00--
14683 0%$0,99990.00001117$0$0
14690 0%$00--
14705 0%$00--
14716 0%$00--
14734 0%$00--
14872 0%$00--
14887 0%$00--
14907 0%$00--
14923 0%$00--
14951 0%$00--
14952 0%$00--
14953 0%$00--
14972 0%$00--
14973 0%$00--
14974 0%$00--
14975 0%$00--
14996 0%$00--
14999 0%$00--
15008 0%$23,390.00026130$0$0
15034 0%$00--
15037 0%$00--
15039 0%$00--
15061 0%$00--
15062 0%$00--
15097 0%$00--
15098 0%$00--
15108 0%$00--
15109 0%$00--
15110 0%$00--
15111 0%$00--
15112 0%$00--
15113 0%$00--
15114 0%$00--
15115 0%$00--
15116 0%$00--
15117 0%$00--
15130 0%$00--
15141 0%$00--
15148 0%$00--
15149 0%$00--
15165 0%$00--
15215 0%$00--
15236 0%$00--
15237 0%$00--
15241 0%$00--
15244 0%$00--
15249 0%$00--
15277 0%$00--
15303 0%$00--
15330 0%$00--
15337 0%$00--
15349 0%$00--
15350 0%$00--
15400 1.02%$3.207,830.03583663$0$0
15415 0%$00-$0
15433 0%$00--
15441 0%$00--