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earnYearn Finance
Yearn Finance is a group of Ethereum blockchain protocols that allows users to optimize their crypto earnings through lending and trading services.
VertragZugrunde liegende Anlagen
Mit CoinStats können Sie eine Liste Ihrer Lieblings-Token erstellen und deren Preis über eine einzige Schnittstelle überprüfen.
0 Curve mUSD Pool yVault (Curve mUSD)$0
This token represents a Curve liquidity pool. Holders earn fees from users trading in the pool. This metapool contains 3Crv (DAI, USDC, and USDT) and Meta USD. Strategies: Convex Reinvest
0 DAI yVault (DAI)$0
DAI is an Ethereum-based stablecoin whose issuance and development is managed by the Maker Protocol and MakerDAO. Strategies: Compound Finance Flashmint Folding, Notional Reinvest, Tokemak Reinvest, StrategyIdleV2 IdleDAI v4 [Best yield], Kashi Lender
0 YvCRV Tricripto2$0
This token represents a Curve liquidity pool. Holders earn fees from users trading in the pool. This crypto pool contains USDT, WBTC, and WETH. Please be aware that as crypto pools are composed of differently-priced assets, they are subject to impermanent loss. Strategies: Convex Reinvest
0 USDT yVault (USDT)$0
USDT is a centralized stablecoin that mirrors the price of the U.S. dollar, issued by Hong Kong-based company Tether. The token's peg to the USD is achieved via maintaining a sum of commercial paper, fiduciary deposits, cash, reserve repo notes, and treasury bills in reserves that is equal in USD value to the number of USDT in circulation.
0 Curve alUSD Pool yVault (Curve alUSD)$0
This token represents a Curve liquidity pool. Holders earn fees from users trading in the pool, and can also deposit the LP to Curve's gauges to earn CRV emissions. This factory metapool contains 3Crv (DAI, USDC, and USDT) and Alchemix USD.

